01 November 2011

Outside like all, inside like no one else!

Sister Lucia used to repeat this phrase in her humble and simple life. Though I live in this world, I now know that this is not home. 

Yesterday I heard 2 shocking things. One that one should get married with a pre-nup. THEN WHY EVEN GET MARRIED???? Marriage in this US society (and extends to other cultures as well) is nothing but a legal/human institution. Its creation and how it started has been forgotten, erased or just ignored. Marriage before God's people, didn't exist. This symbol, was not given to mock it or even worst, to use it only for our own SELFISH benefit. Who ever thinks about getting married in terms of the big dress, ring and party; or in terms of having secure sex every night....should consider the legal figure of CIVIL UNION, not MARRIAGE! and there, you can use your ridiculous pre-nup that screams how much you were hurt in your past relationships (go figure how much you hurt others too). 

The second thing was slavery in our days or human traffic. Apparently Russian families are selling their daughters to PIGS under the idea of providing them a better life in US. Oh the crashed american dream!. Paying $5000 they have a pseudo-wife-prostitute-made-"companion"-cook-go-figure. Paying for any human life... isn't this SLAVERY??? 

"oh no, you are doing a favor to those families" REALLY???

Human relativism won't stop amazing me, how low and corrupted humans can fall.

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