They look the same but are way 2 different. After 2 wild weekends in Dresden (mainly sleeping), I spent this last one in Munich (part II). This time the main target was not the city itself, but we got to see more of English Garten and Olympia Park (next time I've got to take my swimingbath).
Andre and Stefan have a 4 minute, 2 cm and many skills difference. Since this was my first time sharing time with twins...it was fascinating to discover that not all twins fullfill all those cliches. But when they are together...una MAKANA! :) The othe gey is Klaus a school friend. (thanks for the ride).
Made me remember about the times with my brothers, how silly we must have looked as well. I remember when we would fight about the smallest thing just to be right. Those times are gone.
Now I'm totally KO, I must sleep. Next week we head to Prahg. But for now...I only need to say:
"Solo si pudiera estar contigo, tu dormido entre mis brazos...y mirarte en el silencio. solo si pudiera dibujarte una escena de mis sueños donde siempre estas presente. Con solo tenerte aqui, decirte lo que yo siento...Es que me gusta tu cara, soñar con tu voz, me gusta abrazarte, perderme en tu aroma, poder encontrar en tus ojos el cielo. Me gusta tu risa, me gusta tu boca. Como despertar a la distancia, sin tu piel junto a la mia...amando tu fotografia. Podemos mandar besos con el viento, mirar la luna al mismo tiempo, contar 1 dia mas. No sabes lo que me faltas. Como quiero que sientas conmigo la calma...y cuando llegue la noche, cuidarte el alma" Chayanne
(U know...just wispers in the night)
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